Sunday, October 21, 2007

Kayaking Acton Lake

Well, it's been a while since I did it, but never blogged the fact that I took my kayak out for the first time. I went to Acton Lake in Hueston Woods near Oxford, Oh. The lake isn't gigantic, but boats are limited to 10 horsepower and lower, so it's mostly sailboats that cruise the lake. I paddled pretty much the whole thing, not wanting to get too close to the dam. It was a vary peaceful paddle. I saw 3-5 blue herons (some may have been repeats) and lots of fish jumping. My boat tracks very well, but is a beast to turn. It's definitely made for non-fast moving waters. The boat seemed very stable. I'm not very good at getting in and out (I almost dumped myself trying to get into it the first time at the boat ramp), but I think it will come with practice. I almost went on an overnight, but it did not appear the weather wanted to cooperate. I will let you know as soon as that happens. I believe I'm taking it to Laurel Lake in Ky.

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