Sunday, June 29, 2008

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Shortly after the previous incident involving go-karts I get dispatched to a better run. Here is how I got dispatched (mind you it's in cop talk over our radios).

Dispatcher: Springdale Unit available to respond to the area of Tri-county Parkway and 747 I.D.

Me: I I.D.'d myself as available to respond.

Dispatcher: Attempt to locate a chicken crossing the road.

Are you serious? Do you know how bad I wanted to ask "Why" or "Does the complainant know why it is crossing the road?" Of course I am not afforded that opportunity. My supervisor apparently had already checked on the chicken and attempted to catch it to no avail. I thought it had to be a prank call until the supervisor called up on the radio to advise. Never did see the chicken, but how classic a run is that?

1 comment:

Josh K said...

Why did the rubber chicken cross the road?

To get to the rubber side.