Monday, August 4, 2008

Theft: "A" for effort

So we recently responded to a large nationwide retailer for their security watching someone that they know to have stolen from them before. The complainant said that the subject had picked up a lot of DVD's and gone into a restroom. We waited outside ready to pounce when he tried to make his escape. The retailer stated that he had run from them we were ready. An hour and 45 minutes later the subject came out of the restroom with no DVD's visible. However, he had a kind of funny walk when we stopped him to see what the deal was. It took only a quick pat-down to figure out what he had done. The subject had taken 25 DVD's ( a couple at a time) into the restroom. He had taken three rolls of tape and a box cutter as well. He had spent that almost two hours cutting security tags off of the boxes with the box cutter he had taken, then began taping the DVD's directly to his body using the tape he had taken. He had taped them 2-4 DVD's thick from his neck to his knees. He then left the knife in the bathroom and attempted to leave. We were kind of all over him when he hit the exit, so he didn't have much of a chance. I took a bunch of photos for court of how he taped them to himself. That will look good. After giving him his rights, he began telling me that he sells them on the street to get money for his heroin habit. He then gave me as much info as I could want about where he gets the drugs, how much he uses, and so on. I give him an "A" for effort in trying to steal that way. To no avail. Little did he know, he stole just enough for it to be a felony. Maybe he'll get help with his drug habit while in jail.

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