Thursday, February 28, 2008

Career Criminal

Well, I responded to what was called a theft report at the mall at one of the many small stores. The radio called it a quick change theft (basically when someone takes their change and slips the bill they were paying with back in their pocket as well). So I get there and the chic had come in and picked up a $5 item without even looking at it, attempted to pay with a $100 bill, and slipped the bill back in her purse after distracting the cashier. Great, a report. Well, while standing talking, we found out that the same person had just committed the offense at another store in the mall. We rushed to find her and were able to. She stated she didn't realize that she hadn't paid. Yeah, right...that's why she did it twice back to back. She was arrested for theft and taken back to the department. She had given me an id that said she was from Tennessee and said she was born in Somalia. I ran the i.d. and it said the owner was born in Jamaica. Caught! So I confronted her and figured out everything she had told me thus far was a lie. I searched her stuff and found about 20 receipts from mall stores....each with very small purchases ($2-5) made with large bills ($50 or $100) Looks like she hit quite a few places. As I'm going through the purse, I found in total $1,245 in cash...mostly $20 bills, but in groups near $100 (her change from each purchase). She continued to lie to me about who she was and still don't know if the name i booked her under was correct. She has a warrant out of SC, lives in Georgia (the state), and is randomly in Cincinnati. She was full of it. So, I've been working on contacting all the stores that she had receipts for and found four that could confirm they were $100 short and remember her being there and paying with $100 bill. I have many to go and am trying to apply as many charges as possible to keep her in jail, where she needs to be. I seized the cash and receipts as evidence which she didn't like, because she was planning on using the cash to pay her bail. She was then taken downtown to the justice center after calling her friends and speaking in a foreign language....telling them the name and birth date that she had given me so they could find her. Her friend did not know her name when he called. Imagine that. She'll just get to stay in jail till her identity is confirmed. Lots of paperwork and plenty more on follow-up to be done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, quick change, I haven't heard of that one. Seems to have worked, almost. :)