Sunday, February 10, 2008


Got myself another OVI. I was working laser on the highway...when I got a 71 mph hit in a 50 mph zone. Went after him. After I caught up, I noticed heavy weaving in his lane, almost striking the barrier wall several times. Pulled him over when I found an ok spot. I immediately could smell alcohol in his truck and was informed by dispatch that they had put out a call regarding this truck driving recklessly. The driver, hispanic, handed me a Mexican ID and told me his name...which did not match the ID. He stepped out to perform some tests. When asked if he had been drinking...his reply wasn't what I expected. "Yes sir, I had 6-7 beers. I drank too much to drive." B...e...a...utiful. Made my life simple. He failed what tests he could perform and was arrested. Found an open can of beer in the truck, and towed it. He submitted to the breath test and blew a 0.194, 0.08 is the legal limit. He signed all the paperwork in the name he said he was, not what was on the id. When signing the last document, he signed the ID name accidentally. I ended up throwing the book at him (not literally). I charged him with speeding, marked lane violations, driving without a license, OVI (dui), the breath test violation, having an open container in a vehicle, and obstructing official business for lying about his name. I then called immigration who said they would send a detainer to deport him once we were done with our charges on him. Justice served.
Today's lesson: Don't lie to angers them.

Total time from traffic stop to done with all paperwork 3.5 hours (2.5 hrs overtime). This does not include the hour it will take to transport him to the county jail.

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